Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Unable to connect to network - Rebuild the TCP/IP stack

There's a bug when you just connect to a network but no packets are sent, nothing is happening, you havent got an IP address and nothing seems to be working... is the NIC broken? Check below how to fully reset the TCP/IP stack in order to get some things working back again:

  1. Go SafeMode & Networking.
  2. Delete these keys from regedit:
  1. Open the nettcpip.inf file in your %winroot%/inf folder
    (%winroot% is usually c:/windows).
  2. Find the [MS_TCPIP.PrimaryInstall] section. Change the Characteristics value from 0xA0 to 0x80.
  3. Open the properties of the network connection you want to fix. In the General tab, click on the Install button. Click on the Have Disk button, and point the location to %winroot%/inf. After that select TCP/IPv4.
  4. Now you are able to uninstall TCP/IP, do it and reboot.
  5. Go back to your network connection, and install TCP/IP again & reboot, things must be working now.
  6. Open cmd and type the last thing to reset the txtlog:
netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

Are you connected now? :)

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