Friday, November 29, 2013

Disable Automatic Private IP Addressing - APIPA

APIPA is Enabled
APIPA sometimes is tricky, giving us IPs in a range of to
When a DHCP server fails, APIPA gives you an IP address. The client then verify that it's address is unique on the network by using ARP queries. Whenever a DHCP server sends the DHCPOffer packet, the clients requests a dhcp lease, thus leaving the APIPA addressing.

The best way to solve this is by heading to the registry editor and change a DWORD value to zero.
IPAutoconfigurationEnabled: 0
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Friday, November 15, 2013

Transmission deamon - 409: Conflict - Invalid session-id header


How to solve?
Remove the default /web from your URL:
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Thursday, November 14, 2013

HRESULT 0xc8000222 when trying to install any version of .netFramework

This will occur mostly on Windows 7, never happened on Windows 8: 'Installation Did Not Succeed' .NET Framework has not been installed because: HRESULT 0xc8000222
There is a common problem with windows update and the .netframework. We'll have to clean the SoftwareDistribution folder before we proceed.

Click Start and Run:
This will open the well known Command Prompt, then type:
net stop WuAuServ
This will stop the Windows Update service. Make sure you're the admin.
Click Start and Run again, this time type %windir% and press Enter.
Look for the SoftwareDistribution folder and rename it to SwDist.old.
Now go back to the Command Prompt and start the Windows Update.
net start WuAuServ
That was it. Re-run the netFramework and it should work.
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Friday, November 8, 2013

Watch live tasks running on remote pc

This will work only if you have pstools installed on both of computers.

@echo off
set /p comp=Type IP or HOSTNAME:
IF "%comp%"=="" GOTO Error
c:\pstools\pslist \\%comp% -s
echo No IP inserted.
 Save it as batch file and run it.
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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Image to disk and vice versa on unix


Backup all your usb drivers or your disk drivers, or clone them using dd, the ultimate tool.
We will first list all our available disks, watching out not making any mistake.
fdisk -l
Then after the output, notice the /dev/sdA or /dev/hdA or /dev/sdB etc, take a note on what device you want to take backup from, then think about the location of it going, like a folder or in another device.
if stands for input file.
of stands for output file.
By issueing the following command, we will backup our second drive into ~/.
dd if=/dev/sdb of=~/test.img
To restore it, simply swap /dev/sdb with ~/test.img, so simple!
You can also change the block size by using the bs command, eg:
dd if=/dev/sdb of=~/test.img bs=512 
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