Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Microsoft is the number three global brand.


Microsoft is still among the world's biggest brand names, according to a newly released list of the top 100 global brands. The list, from Interbrand, puts Microsoft in the number three position for the year 2011. The actual monetary value of Microsoft's brand was $59.1 billion in 2011 although the list shows that number to be three percent lower than the previous year. Cola Cola is the world's number one brand, followed by IBM at number two. Microsoft competitor Google is in the number four position while processor maker Intel is in seventh place. Apple is shown to be in the eighth position on the list and HP is in the number 10 slot.

The list shows that Google's value surged up 27 percent from the year before and if it continues at that pace, could beat out Microsoft and be in the number two slot for next year's brand list. While Apple is in the eighth spot, its value went 58 percent higher than the previous year... Interbrand creates this annual list based on a number of factors including a company's financial performance, the role of a brand in the purchase decision process, and the overall strength of a particular brand, Yay!

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