Friday, June 1, 2012

Hacker demanded $50,000 for not releasing stolen Symantec source code

According to email transcripts posted to Pastebin yesterday, and confirmed by the company, a group of hackers attempted to extort $50,000 from Symantec in exchange for not releasing its stolen PCAnywhere and Norton Antivirus source code. Hackers associated with the group Anonymous known as the Lords of Dharamaja leaked what appears to be another 1.27 gigabytes of source code from Symantec Monday night, what they claim is the source code of the Symantec program PCAnywhere.

A 1.2GB file labeled “Symantec’s pcAnywhere Leaked Source Code” has been posted to The Pirate Bay. The leak comes as little surprise: Symantec had previously revealed that the hackers had obtained 2006 versions of that code along with other Symantec products from the same time period, and warned users of PCAnywhere to disable its functionality until they patched the program earlier this month. The emails between Symantec employee Sam Thomas and the hacker(s) Yamatough, began in January. Symantec confirmed in a statement that it had contacted law enforcement after confirming the theft of the code and that the email exchange was, in fact, part of a criminal investigation. The email thread ended yesterday with Yamatough threatening to immediately release the code.

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