Yesterday backtrack 5 R3 came out, do you really need to burn another iso image for installation? hahah......
Update your system to current versions:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
Now for 32bit version type:
apt-get install libcrafter blueranger dbd inundator intersect mercury cutycapt trixd00r artemisa rifiuti2 netgear-telnetenable jboss-autopwn deblaze sakis3g voiphoney apache-users phrasendrescher kautilya manglefizz rainbowcrack rainbowcrack-mt lynis-audit spooftooph wifihoney twofi truecrack uberharvest acccheck statsprocessor iphoneanalyzer jad javasnoop mitmproxy ewizard multimac netsniff-ng smbexec websploit dnmap johnny unix-privesc-check sslcaudit dhcpig intercepter-ng u3-pwn binwalk laudanum wifite tnscmd10g bluepot dotdotpwn subterfuge jigsaw urlcrazy creddump android-sdk apktool ded dex2jar droidbox smali termineter bbqsql htexploit smartphone-pentest-framework fern-wifi-cracker powersploit webhandler
Or for 64bit version:
apt-get install libcrafter blueranger dbd inundator intersect mercury cutycapt trixd00r rifiuti2 netgear-telnetenable jboss-autopwn deblaze sakis3g voiphoney apache-users phrasendrescher kautilya manglefizz rainbowcrack rainbowcrack-mt lynis-audit spooftooph wifihoney twofi truecrack acccheck statsprocessor iphoneanalyzer jad javasnoop mitmproxy ewizard multimac netsniff-ng smbexec websploit dnmap johnny unix-privesc-check sslcaudit dhcpig intercepter-ng u3-pwn binwalk laudanum wifite tnscmd10g bluepot dotdotpwn subterfuge jigsaw urlcrazy creddump android-sdk apktool ded dex2jar droidbox smali termineter multiforcer bbqsql htexploit smartphone-pentest-framework fern-wifi-cracker powersploit webhandler