Wednesday, January 23, 2013

BSoD Resolution #0: How to setup your environment

Today i'm feeling like starting a series of windows blue screen of death resolutions, maybe later on this will include some sort of video...

So, yesterday night while i was working, my cellphone rings - "Alex i can't work" that's all he knew though he demanded it to be done asap.

-Ok, give me access to your machine.

While we were talking he said that the problem was happening every ten minutes or so, his screen turned blue and the computer restarted. What had to be done? As soon as i heard the word blue i ran into C:\windows\Minidump to check for the dump files but minidump folder was empty! By default this option is enabled but if your computer is sort of tweaked, then this could be disabled for some pesky reasons.

In Advanced System Protection under Start-up and Recovery settings you will find the system failure options that can deal with such things.
Though, if this is already enabled then you should take a look at the pagefile options because if you have pagefile disabled - you won't be able to get minidump files.

Now we had to reproduce the fact to get a dump file - simply wait.
*Theres also another method of reproducing BSoDs but that's not in our list at the moment HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters
DWORD -> CrashOnCtrlScroll with value of 1.
Then hold rCtrl and hit ScrLk twice.

As soon as the system is crashed and a dump file has been written in the directory you've set up, grab that .dmp file and open it using WinDbg.

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