Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to: Disable UAC in Windows 8


It started back when i wanted to launch lineage on my brand new install of windows 8 enterprise N edition, tried to launch then got an error of l2.exe stopped working.., first thing i thought was UAC, where i tried to disable it but unfortunately it was unsuccessful.
How am i going to be aware that lineage will not play on Windows 8 ( talking about h5 or earlier ) before searching online.., so i played a bit with UAC in the latest windows version in order to disable it completely.

Let me explain.., 
  1. You start off by typing 'UserAccountControlSettings' in Run in order to go into UAC's menu then set it to 'Never Notify'.
  2. then, you move into registry editor by typing 'regedit' in Run again and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System. There's a DWORD there named 'EnableLUA' which we must set to 0.
  3. now we have to restart our computer to reload registry.
  4. By default, windows 8 is not granting user with administrator rights so we have to take ownership or the files of the entire C:\ drive, to do that you got to have a custom patch installed on your system for easier implementation. 
  5. Download Ownership and run InstallTakeOwnership.reg and head to C:\ drive
  6. select all folders, right click & hit Take ownership. After that, 
  7. right click on Windows dir and Properties.
  8. Security tab, advanced and Enable Inheritance.
  9. Search for Owner name then Change, Advanced, Find Now and select your account that you're currently logged in and press ok. Back on the
  10. advanced security settings, click Add, Select a Principal, Advanced, Find and select your account again, hit ok, again ok, Full Control, Show Advanced Permission and apply it to: This folder, subfolders and files, hit ok and apply, yes and continue.
  11. Back into Regedit again at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System and revert 'EnableLUA' back to 1.
  12. Restart your computer, 
  13. navigate to C:\ and Take Ownership again,
  14. lastly, run RemoveTakeOwnership.reg file to make system as it was in the beginning.
After these steps, you should have disabled UAC completely from your Windows 8 system.

Cheers. :)

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