Wednesday, January 23, 2013

BSoD Resolution #1: Driver Power State Failure

0x000009F is the error code after you see the DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE message ruining your work at 3am in the morning with a blue screen.

Straight to the minidump folder, we grab the minidump.dmp file and head to WinDbg to investigate the fact at a closer look. In my case i'll be using a dumpfile i had stored some time ago when i was asked to identify crash problem in an office.
So i loaded the file into windbg and used !analyze -v to see some more details of the problem.

The result is shown below:
Do we need to say something more? I immediately called the guys at the office to update their drivers.... which actually were from the following link.

This conclues #1 resolution. Thanks for reading, more to come.

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