Thursday, May 24, 2012

Automated computer security software - Stay protected

Security scanners, tools, safety guidelines, software, discussions, antiviruses, firewalls, antispyware... everything to get protection but....Nothing to stay updated. Do you own the latest version of every app you have currently installed? No? Why not? It's because it's not free ? Then don't get mad if you become a victim for a hacker. Except for 0days of course.... :)

Update your antivirus or choose a better antivirus, update every single software you use, stop clicking at spam mails. I`ll give you an application to play with... it will save you from doing all that stuff alone:
A free computer security solution which, by updating insecure programs, helps safeguard the data on your PC against cybercriminals. Simply it is a computer scanner which identifies programs that are old and, if left without updates, pose a threat to your security. It then supplies your computer with the necessary software updates to keep it safe.
The Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) even automates the updating of many of these insecure programs, making it a lot easier for you to maintain a secure PC.

Download here & stay protected.

1 people replied:

  1. There are various software for computer Security Software. Thousands of website offers unlimited software for computer security. But, every time internet throwing the viruses in your system. If you have Anti Virus for computer safety then you can enjoy. Always should be download any software from best website. SoftMozer is one of the best website for every type of Computer Security Software.
