Sunday, May 27, 2012

FBI is now officially spying on YOU!


We all knew that the FBI probably was monitoring the web activite of random citizens for quite some time now but today as Cnet reports the law enforcement bureau has formed a dedicated unit for the purpose of internet surveillance.
According to Declan McCullough, the National Domestic Communications Assistance Center has a mandate to try and crack skype conversations, analyze internet traffic data, and build wiretapping hardware.

But its not for investigations of its own; the goal is to develop new technologies to help make it easier for other law enforcement agencies to spy on us. Here's what the FBI had to say to Cnet:

"It is important to point out that the NDCAC will not be responsible for the actual execution of any electronic surveillance court orders and will not have any direct operational or investigative role in investigations.

It will provide the technical knowledge and referrals in response to law enforcement's requests for technical assistance." Little yet is known for the matter but the thought that online privacy is a little more than a myth is a scary idea.

4 people replied:

  1. NOEZZZZ!? I iz little boi :( d3y will find teh ub3r porn.

  2. Don't worry, it's fake. Now go get your computer out of the trash can.
