Monday, May 28, 2012

Performing a DoS attack - personal use only


What exactly is a Denial of Service Attack? It's an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. Like a flood, when the DoS Attacker sends many packets of information and requests to a single network adapter, each computer in the network would experience effects from the DoS attack. In this post, you will learn to perform a DoS (not a DDoS) attack ONLY FOR PERSONAL USE.

Let's say we have a website with low bandwidth/connection.

Step 1: Fire up command prompt, ping the website & find it's IP.
ex. ping will give you "Pinging [] <- That's the IP

Step 2: Ping the IP followed by two options as follows:
ex. ping -t -l 65500

Step 3: Wait for a couple of hours & check the website :)

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