Sunday, May 13, 2012

Safer Internet by editing the HOSTS file

First of all, what exactly is the HOSTS file?

To be able to find a website, the domain name in the URL must first be translated into an unique IP address. In most cases, this is done by the DNS server of the internet provider. Before the DNS server is contacted to translate the domain name in the URL, the HOSTS file on the computer is checked whether the domain name is mentioned there, because checking the HOSTS file is much faster then contacting the DNS server of the internet provider. If the domain name is mentioned into the HOSTS file, then the requested webpage will be forwarded automatically to the matching IP address.

Do you know what that means?
You are able to forward faster requests by changing that file. Of course, it is a lot of work to add every website manually. Fortunately, this is not necessary because an up-to-date HOSTS file with the latest threads is available for download @ Open the file with notepad and copy the content, open the original HOSTS file, paste the copied text and save the new HOSTS file. By now you have managed to block certain malicious sites that are there waiting to harm your computer..

Be aware that  the HOSTS file has been changed!
Sometimes, the downloaded HOSTS file contains website addresses which actually must not be blocked in your personal opinion, restoring the original HOSTS file (temporarily), you are able to investigate whether the problems/error messages are caused by the new HOSTS file. If this is the case, the website address has to be found and deleted from the new HOSTS file, keep a backup!

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