Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Delay while working with shared folders

Troubleshooting will help you a lot, not.
Many shares between server & client infrastructure - WindowsXP machines , who would update to seven in these days?
Sudden delay while trying to access a file share or network share.
What will everyone do? Start searching every single machine for any kind of misplaced cables, maybe a switch or a router..., or even server settings!

But, will you start thinking that it's client's fault? A forgotten service from the very first start of the machine? of the client? It's 'webclient', this pesky service sometimes starts acting weird so it makes network shares hang or slows them a lot.

And the command?

sc config webclient start= disabled

By hitting that command in the cli, you will notice the difference between a hangy network share - getting a lot better.

Next time this will save you from hours troubleshooting.

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